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    Since 1993, Hegu has developed
    a brand well known
    in the Nordic countries.


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    About Hegu

    HEGU has produced disposable acupuncture needles under its own brand name since the early ‘90s. HEGU has an extensive customer base of users throughout Europe and remains Scandinavia’s leading producer of acupuncture needles.

    The story of HEGU began by accident.

    In the early 1990s Jan Fridsäll, the founder of HEGU, was involved in a severe car accident. During his recovery process he was introduced to acupuncture by a physiotherapist. Jan’s treatment was successful, and he decided to dedicate the rest of his professional life to developing and marketing high quality disposable acupuncture needles for the Nordic markets. To this end, he established the company Hegu Svenska AB in the small town of Landsbro, in the south of Sweden. The year was 1993.


    Hit the button to read the rest of the story.


    Our needles

    See our wide selection of acupuncture needles and sizes.